Database concepts

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What is a database

A database is an organised, permanent, store of data. Databases contain one or more tables (Shown by the blue box below). Columns in the table are fields (Shown in red below) about which data is held. Each row in a table is a record (Shown by the red box below).

Each table will have a primary key field (Shown shaded blue below). This is a field that will be unique in every record. If such a field does not exist in a table already an ID field may be created.


Database term Meaning
Table A person, object or thing about which data is stored in a database.
Record A single row in a database table.
Field A category about which data is stored in a database table.
Primary key A field that uniquely identifies records in a table.
Foreign key When a primary key from one table is included in another table to create a link between the two.

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