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What is a subroutine?

Subroutines are self-contained sections of code that can be called and run independently. They may or may not accept parameters which are values passed in from the main program. There are two key types of subroutines:

  1. Procedures
  2. Functions
To work correctly with subroutines, they should only use local variables that are passed into the subroutine as parameters and not global variables.

Local and global variables

Any variable you declare inside a subroutine has local scope. This means it only exists within the subroutine. This includes the values we declare as parameters to be passed in.
Global variables are declared in the main program and can be used in both the main program and subroutines. It can be tempting when you are starting out to declare all variables as global so you always have access.
However, a key benefit of subroutines is that they allow programmers to work on different sections of the same program at the same time. This is possible because each subroutine is a stand-alone module that can be independently tested. When you use global variables then a variable in another subroutine may be affected by code elsewhere in the program and so behave unexpectedly.


Procedures are a type of subroutine that does not return a value. They may take parameters i.e. values that are passed into the subroutine to use but they do not return any values to the main program when they are run.

Defining a procedure

A procedure is made up of the def command and an identifier followed by brackets that may or not contain parameters. Then the code to be executed when the procedure is called.

Example 1

def add_two_nums(num1, num2):
    total = num1 + num2
    print(f"{num1} + {num2} = {total}")

Example 2

def signature():
    print(“CEO Company ABC”)

procedure defining syntax rules:

The first code subroutine add_two_nums takes two parameters num1 and num2. This means it needs to be given two arguments when we call it. The second procedure does not take parameters. We must still pass empty brackets when we call it.

Calling a procedure

To call a procedure means to run it. We can call a procedure by using it's identifier and passing any necessary arguments. When we pass an actual value for one of our parameters defined in the subroutine we call it an argument. If a procedure does not take any parameters you still need to add opening and closing brackets after the identifier to call it. The above procedures would be called as follows.


The first would output '3 + 4 = 7' and the second would print the three lines of the signature one underneath each other. If you tried to call a procedure but pass the wrong number of arguments then you will get an error.

Syntax checker

Fix the code below so the subroutine takes two integer inputs and outputs whether the first is a multipe of the second e.g. if the user enters 18 and then 3 the output will be 'This is a multiple'.

def isMult(num1,num2): # colon added
    if num1 % num2 == 0: # equals to double equals and correct var names
        print("This is a multiple") # indentation corrected
    else: # no condition for else
        print("This is not a multiple") # indentation corrected
isMult(18,3) # removed from print statement

Knowledge check

Knowledge for this section will be tested by the quiz on the next page(Functions)

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