GCSE Computer Science Home

AQA GCSE Computer Science is split into Paper 1: Computational thinking and programming skills and Paper 2: Computing concepts

OCR GCSE Computer Science is split into Paper 1: Computer systems and Paper 2: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

NOTE: The OCR section is under construction. As units become ready to access the button will go from light blue to dark blue.

AQA Topics

Paper 1

Fundamentals of algorithms

Paper 2

Fundamentals of data representation
Computer systems
Cyber security
Consequences of computing
Relational databases
AQA GCSE Flashcards

OCR Topics

Paper 1

Systems architecture
Memory and storage
Computer networks connections and protocols
Network security
Systems software
Ethical legal cultural environmental

Paper 2

Programming fundamentals
Producing robust programs
Boolean logic
Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments


The excel spreadsheets below can be used by students to track their confidence as you progress through topics. By getting them to send you a pdf of their selections for a unit a teacher can effectlvely tailor the exam revision to suit the needs of the student. By having students map tests against the specification, students are able to identify areas where they perhaps thought they were confident but struggled to answer the question in context.

AQA GCSE Spec Checklist

OCR GCSE Spec Checklist

© All materials created by and copyright S.Goff