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Explain the advantages and disadvantages of networking computers. (4 marks)
Advantages: Can share peripherals; use cheaper site licenses for software; centralise backup; easier communication. Max 2.
Disadvantages: Costly to set up, costly to maintain, viruses may spread more easily Max 2.
Explain the difference between a PAN, a LAN and a WAN giving an example of each. (6 marks)
A PAN is a network connected by bluetooth centered around a single user(1) e.g. When someone connects a phone smart watch and headphones.(1)
A LAN is a network covering a small geographic area(1) e.g. an office network.(1)
A WAN is a network covering a large geographic area(1) e.g. the Internet.(1)
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a wireless network instead of a wired network (4 marks)
Advantages: Can work from more locations; Can share files without connecting to a port; Cheaper than wired; Easier to add new users; any 2
Disadvantages: Less secure; Slower speeds; Can be interfered with by walls, furniture etc; any 2
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a star rather than a bus topology. (4 marks)
Star is not reliant on a single main cable like bus (1)
Star is faster than bus (1)
Star is more expensive than bus (1)
Star is more consistent under high use (1)
Star is more secure than bus (1)
Any 4.
Explain what protocols are used when a user composes and sends an email to another user on a different network and that user logs in and reads the message. (3 marks)
SMTP is used to send the email message you compose from your computer to your mail server.(1) SMTP is used again to transfer the message from your mail server to the recipients mail server.(1) IMAP is used by the recipient to
download the message from their email server and read it(1)
Explain the similarities and differences between HTTP and HTTPS and when HTTPS might be needed. (3 marks)
They are both protocols for transmitting web page data(1) but HTTPS encrypts data before it is transmitted.(1) HTTPS is used when information that needs to be kept private such as bank details are transmitted.(1)
Explain what a firewall is and how it works (3 marks)
A firewall can be physical or software based and monitors network traffic(1) and can be configured to allow or deny certain data(1) based on a set of predefined rules.(1)
Explain what MAC address filtering is and how it is used. (3 marks)
All devices have a MAC address that uniquely identifies them.(1) MAC address filtering allows a network manager to allow(1) or block user based on their MAC addresses.(1)
A user clicks a link on a website to download a file. Explain how that request is handled by the TCP/IP model until it reaches the server that holds the requested file. (8 marks)
The web browser they are in is operating on the application layer.(1) It passes the request to the transport layer.(1) Here it is split into packets and labelled with the packet number and total number of packets.(1)
The packets are passed to the internet layer(1) The senders and receivers IP addresses are added.(1) The packets are passed to the link layer.(1) This sends them off to the first router on their journey across the inernet.(1)
When they are received at the destination the MAC addresses are removed and they are passed to the Internet layer.(1) The IP addresses are removed and the packets passed to the transport layer.(1) The packets are re-ordered
and any missing packets re-requested.(1) The data is passed to the application layer meaning the file server requesting the file that was clicked on.(1)
Any 8 points
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