Network topologies

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Star and bus topologies

There are 2 types of network topology you need to be familiar with: star topology and bus topology.

Star topology

In the star topology every device is connected to a central hub or switch.

Advantages of star Disadvantages of star
If one cable breaks only that user is affected. There are a large number of cables and a switch to buy, increasing costs.
Performance remains consistent even under heavy use. If the server goes down then nobody can access there files.
As long as a switch is used then security is increased by only sending data to the intended recipient. If the switch goes down then the entire network is down.

Bus topology

In a bus topology all communication is along a central main cable sometimes called a backbone cable.

Advantages of bus Disadvantages of bus
Easier to install than a star network as there is less cabling. If the main cable fails the network fails
No central node to rely on. Hard to locate cable failures.
Cheaper because of needing less cables. Performance slows as more devices try to use the same shared cable.
Less secure because all nodes see all messages.

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