GCSE Computer Science Network security test

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Explain what a DDOS attack is. (3 marks)

A DDOS attack is where a hacker takes a server or website offline (1) by flooding it with requests (1) from a large number of computers that are likely part of a botnet. (1)

Explain what is meant by sql injection and how it can be prevented (3 marks)

SQL injection is when hackers try to enter their own SQL commands into web forms (1) in order to interact with the database they are linked to and steal or change information. (1)

To prevent SQL injection inputs need to be sanitised. (1)

Explain what is meant by malware and name and describe the features of one type of malware (3 marks)

Malware is the name given to all types of malicious osftware. (1)

Any type and description combo from:
Viruses - self-replicating files normally embedded inside another file
Worms - self-replicating files downloaded when you open an infected file
Trojans - provide a back door for hackers to access your files and computer
Spyware - allow the hacker to view or record keystrokes
Ransomware - encrypts your files unless you pay a ransom for the decryption key

SecureTech is a company that provides white box penetration testing services. Explain how the service they would provide their clients (3 marks)

They would get some basic information about and credentials for the system from the client.(1) They woud use this information to attempt to get access to sensitive parts of the network.(1) Then report back their findings to the client so they can improve their security.(1)

Explain what phishing is and give two signs you can use to help spot phishing. (4 marks)

Phishing is when a large number of emails or text messages are sent to random people(1) in an attempt to get them to give up personal iformation or download malware.(1) Signs that an email message may be phishing: strange senders address; bad spelling and grammar; request for personal info or to download something; not addressed personally; seeks a quick response. Any two for 1 mark each. Allow reasonable alternatives.

Explain what blagging is. (2 marks)

Blagging is the act of creating and using an invented scenario to engage a targeted victim(1) in a manner that increases the chance the victim will divulge information or perform actions that would be unlikely in ordinary circumstances.(1)

Explain the similarities and differences between trojans and viruses (3 marks)

Both are forms of malware.(1) Viruses self replicate and trojans don't.(1) Trojans provide a back door to access your computer or network but viruses do not.(1)

Explain what a CAPTCHA is and why they exist and give an example of how one might work. (3 marks)

A test that checks whether a user is human.(1) They exist to prevent DDOS attacks where people program bots to flood a website with traffic.(1) You might be asked to identify a word that is written strangely or select all the bicycles or traffic lights from a picture.(1)

Explain how biometrics can be used to secure devices like phones. (3 marks)

Biometrics is the use of physical attributes to identify people.(1) Devices can be secured with a thumbprint, voiceprint, or faceid(1) and when someone goes to use it another scan is taken and compared to the one held on file.(1)

Explain how firewalls can help protect networks. (3 marks)

A firewall sits between a network and the internet (1) and can be configured to say what type of data may enter from the internet and what may be sent out. (1) This can prevent various types of malware from entering your system in the first place. (1)

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