Threats to computer systems and networks

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Forms of attack

There are a number of forms of attack you need to be aware of including:


Malware is the generic name for all malicious software including:

Social engineering

Social engineering is methods to deceive people into giving over personal details and or money including:

Brute force attack

This is an attempt to crack a password by trying every possible combination of letters and numbers.

Denial of service attacks

A denial of service (DOS) attack is where a server is flooded with more requests than it can handle slowing it down and making it hard to identify the real requests. A distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack is the same thing, but it makes use of multiple computers to flood the target with requests.

Data interception and theft

Data may be intercepted during transmission. This is primarily a concern on wireless networks where data moves through the air and hackers use tools such as packet sniffers to try to access the data. With a wired network this is far more difficult as you have to physically connect to the network.

SQL injection

SQL, or structured query language, is the language used to interrogate a database. SQL injection is where hackers enter SQL code into input boxes on web forms and manage to interact with the database.

Knowledge check


Question text

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