Network topologies

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What is a topology?

Network topology refers to the layout of computers on a network i.e. how they are connected. Computers are often called nodes in relation to topologies. There are 2 topologies for you to be familiar with:

Star topology

In a star topology, all devices are connected to a central hub or switch. All devices are connected to each other via this central device.

Schools and businesses tend to use a star network due to having static computers and a need for high performance under heavy use. Homes, which generally connect everything through a central device that is likely to act as a WAP, switch, router and modem in one device are also operating in a star network.

Mesh topology

In a mesh topology, all devices are connected to at least one other device. In a full mesh network, each machine is connected to every other machine, whereas in a partial mesh network not all nodes are directly connected.
A full wired mesh network quickly becomes impractical because of the amount of cables needed being 2n where n is the number of computers connected together. Mesh networks tend to be wireless.

Mesh networks are used in smart cities with lots of interconnected devices and by the emergency services who need reliable communications.

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